Song For My Father - Sarah McLachlan


荣获3座葛莱美奖与8座加拿大朱诺音乐奖的肯定,出道以来历年专辑全球销售超过4000万张,她曾发起创作女歌手「莉莉丝」音乐祭Lilith Fair,她是伴随我们近25年,备受推崇的加拿大柔情天后莎拉克劳克兰Sarah McLachlan,2014在加盟Verve音乐集团的首张专辑【Shine On】中再次体现她那完美融合了亲密感的歌声与真情流露的歌词所带来的无可取代感动。

新专辑中,《Song For My Father》是一首感人歌曲。Sarah McLachlan的歌声柔美而温暖,空灵清新的唱腔仿佛能融化一切,她有这样的感染力,能穿透内心,抚慰内心。这首歌曲充满对父爱的感激之情,世界上最爱的男人,希望他在天堂给予莫大的力量,使自己战胜周遭困难,去除所有黑暗,不为所惧,照亮前程。充满魅力的歌声给了人巨大的鼓舞,化解了一切无所不能,坚定信念,使自己继续勇敢的走下去。让人怀念的一曲,震撼着心灵,捍卫着内心世界。

《Song For My Father》歌词:

How I wish that I could tell you

It's to you that I would run

You were the place that I could always rest my head

When my world had come undone

'Cause I've been wrestling with my demons

They're telling me I have no choice

How I wish that I could lean upon you now

Amidst the chaos and the noise

Your light buried the dark

A constant unwavering heart

You were the well to cool my fury

Deep and calm your waters feel

Your quiet words a salve to soothe my wayward soul

It was there I learned to heal

Your light buried the dark

A constant unwavering heart

Oh I hope that you can hear me

Through the ravages of time

You have carried me though more than you could know

I still feel your hand in mine

Your light buried the dark

A constant unwavering heart

