Glamour Girl - Louie Austen




路易·奥斯汀(Louie Austen)出生在音乐之都奥地利维也纳,早年在Las Vegas翻唱自己的偶像Dean Martin,Frank Sinatra等美国老派爵士情歌代表人物的老歌。1999年回到维也纳遇到了几位新锐电音制作人,进而惯通爵士和电子,先后出版了4张个人专辑,并在2007年创立自己的厂牌——LA Music。

路易·奥斯汀的声音和Dean Martin非常神似,他打破传统爵士乐的形式,加入舞曲节奏,性感的声线搭配潮流的节奏,很难不让人动容。作为电爵大师,Louie Austen已经在各个夜店里从事DJ工作几十年,唱片也出了3张,但依然宝刀未老,继2001年的Only Tonight之后,与2003年又推出第4张专辑Easy Love。整张专辑的曲风依然以舞曲为主,偶尔穿插一两首JAZZ慢歌,又一次掀起了夜店金曲的风潮。现年62岁的他,虽然患有癌症,但对音乐的执着与敬业,另业内人士刮目相看。


Everyday after work
I go to a book store around the corner
I'm going to look in for the glossy magazines
About fashion and style
And hope you're inside

When you walk I feel like dancin'
All I want is making love to you
When you move the world gets groovy
All I do is dream of you

You are great, you’re the top
You are grand, you’re my star
Glamour girl glamour girl

When you walk I feel like dancin'
All I want is making love to you
When you move the world gets groovy
All I do is dream of you

You are great, you’re the top
You are grand, you’re my star
Glamour girl glamour girl


